Being a non-profitable organization, the foundation of PWA is through the Zakat and Donations from its well wishers. Zakat Campaign has always been a primary support to us in rendering our Blood Transfusion Services to the patients at Dr. Ruth K.M. Pfau, Civil Hospital Karachi with a daily output of 150 blood bags and Thalassemia Services under which around 215 registered patients of thalassemia are managed at PWA. Hence, every year we run Zakat Campaign globally to keep on pursuing the mission of PWA and bridging the gap between services provided by Civil Hospital Karachi to the underprivileged.

We connect to our donors in various ways including promotions through print, electronic, digital and social media. Our volunteers carry roadside campaigns in which visits are paid to different markets and shops to collect donations and free of cost stuff.

In Share Hope Campaign, students from institutes all over Karachi play their part by promoting PWA’s cause and raise funds for Thalassemia patients. To celebrate Eid with the innocent children of our Thalassemia Daycare Centre we also hold an Eid Gift Campaign to bring smiles on their faces.

Provision of our services can be made possible only by your help and support. Stand by our side and purify your wealth by giving 2.5% of it, to keep the beat of thalassemia warriors going because Only Together We Can Make A Difference.